Local pig farmer contracts swine flu.2. Swine flu outbreak spreads to schools.3. More people die from swine flu.4. Celebrities caught with swine flu.5. Swine flu vaccine available to the public

Local pig farmer contracts swine flu.2. Swine flu outbreak spreads to schools.3. More people die from swine flu.4. Celebrities caught with swine flu.5. Swine flu vaccine available to the public

I. Local pig farmer contracts swine flu.

On September 1st, a local pig farmer in Pennsylvania contracted the swine flu. This was the first case of the flu in the state. The farmer had recently been to Iowa, where there was an outbreak of the virus. Officials are unsure how the farmer contracted the virus, but they believe it may have been through contact with pigs at the Iowa farm.

II. Swine flu outbreak spreads to schools.

The next day, it was announced that four students at a local high school had also contracted the virus. District officials said that they were working closely with the state health department to identify any other students who may have been exposed. The school was closed for three days while officials worked to disinfect it.

III. More people die from swine flu.

As the outbreak continued to spread, more people began to die from the virus. On September 10th, it was announced that two more people had died from swine flu in Pennsylvania. One of those victims was a five-year-old boy who had contracted the virus at school.

IV. Celebrities caught with swine flu.

As the epidemic continued to spread, more and more celebrities began to be caught with the virus. On September 15th, actress Lindsay Lohan announced that she had tested positive for swine flu. A few days later, it was revealed that singer Neil Diamond had also contracted the virus. Both Lohan and Diamond were treated and eventually made a full recovery.

V) Swine flu vaccine available to public

In late October, it was announced that a vaccine against swine flu was now available to the public. The vaccine was created using strains of the virus that had been isolated in Mexico and Argentina. It was unclear how effective the vaccine would be, but health officials urged everyone who wanted it to get vaccinated as soon as possible


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